Join us to discuss the use of AI in undergraduate programming courses on Monday 4th Nov at 2pm GMT (UTC)

Co-pilots still need pilots, but what’s the relationship between them? CC BY icon from

Students of programming are often encouraged to use AI assistants with little consideration for their perceptions and preferences. How do students perceptions influence their usage of AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) in undergraduate programming courses? How does the use of tools like ChatGPT and GitHub CoPilot relate to students self-belief in their own programming abilities? Join us to discuss a paper by Aadarsh Padiyath et al about this published at ICER 2024. [1] From the abstract:

The capability of large language models (LLMs) to generate, debug, and explain code has sparked the interest of researchers and educators in undergraduate programming, with many anticipating their transformative potential in programming education. However, decisions about why and how to use LLMs in programming education may involve more than just the assessment of an LLM’s technical capabilities. Using the social shaping of technology theory as a guiding framework, our study explores how students’ social perceptions influence their own LLM usage. We then examine the correlation of self-reported LLM usage with students’ self-efficacy and midterm performances in an undergraduate programming course. Triangulating data from an anonymous end-of-course student survey (n = 158), a mid-course self-efficacy survey (n=158), student interviews (n = 10), self-reported LLM usage on homework, and midterm performances, we discovered that students’ use of LLMs was associated with their expectations for their future careers and their perceptions of peer usage. Additionally, early self-reported LLM usage in our context correlated with lower self-efficacy and lower midterm scores, while students’ perceived over-reliance on LLMs, rather than their usage itself, correlated with decreased self-efficacy later in the course.

There’s also an accompanying article and blog post to go with this paper. [2.3]

All welcome, as usual, we’ll be meeting online joining details at


  1. Aadarsh Padiyath, Xinying Hou, Amy Pang, Diego Viramontes Vargas, Xingjian Gu, Tamara Nelson-Fromm, Zihan Wu, Mark Guzdial, Barbara Ericson (2024) Insights from Social Shaping Theory: The Appropriation of Large Language Models in an Undergraduate Programming Course ICER ’24: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research – Volume 1, Pages 114 – 130 DOI:10.1145/3632620.3671098 (non-paywalled version at
  2. Aadarsh Padiyath (2024) Do I have a say in this or has ChatGPT already decided for me? blog post at
  3. Aadarsh Padiyath (2024) Do I Have a Say in This, or Has ChatGPT Already Decided for Me? XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine for students, Volume 31, Issue 1, Pages 52 – 55, DOI:10.1145/3688090 (paywalled version only)

Join us to discuss failure rates in introductory programming courses on Monday 1st February at 2pm GMT

Icons made by freepik from

Following on from our discussion of ungrading, this month we’ll be discussing pass/fail rates in introductory programming courses. [1] Here is the abstract:

Vast numbers of publications in computing education begin with the premise that programming is hard to learn and hard to teach. Many papers note that failure rates in computing courses, and particularly in introductory programming courses, are higher than their institutions would like. Two distinct research projects in 2007 and 2014 concluded that average success rates in introductory programming courses world-wide were in the region of 67%, and a recent replication of the first project found an average pass rate of about 72%. The authors of those studies concluded that there was little evidence that failure rates in introductory programming were concerningly high.

However, there is no absolute scale by which pass or failure rates are measured, so whether a failure rate is concerningly high will depend on what that rate is compared against. As computing is typically considered to be a STEM subject, this paper considers how pass rates for introductory programming courses compare with those for other introductory STEM courses. A comparison of this sort could prove useful in demonstrating whether the pass rates are comparatively low, and if so, how widespread such findings are.

This paper is the report of an ITiCSE working group that gathered information on pass rates from several institutions to determine whether prior results can be confirmed, and conducted a detailed comparison of pass rates in introductory programming courses with pass rates in introductory courses in other STEM disciplines.

The group found that pass rates in introductory programming courses appear to average about 75%; that there is some evidence that they sit at the low end of the range of pass rates in introductory STEM courses; and that pass rates both in introductory programming and in other introductory STEM courses appear to have remained fairly stable over the past five years. All of these findings must be regarded with some caution, for reasons that are explained in the paper. Despite the lack of evidence that pass rates are substantially lower than in other STEM courses, there is still scope to improve the pass rates of introductory programming courses, and future research should continue to investigate ways of improving student learning in introductory programming courses.

Anyone is welcome to join us. As usual, we’ll be meeting on zoom, see for details.

Thanks to Brett Becker and Joseph Allen for this months #paper-suggestions via our slack channel at


  1. Simon, Andrew Luxton-Reilly, Vangel V. Ajanovski, Eric Fouh, Christabel Gonsalvez, Juho Leinonen, Jack Parkinson, Matthew Poole, Neena Thota (2019) Pass Rates in Introductory Programming and in other STEM Disciplines in ITiCSE-WGR ’19: Proceedings of the Working Group Reports on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Pages 53–71 DOI: 10.1145/3344429.3372502